Fresh from winning the Best Scottish Short at the BAFTA qualifying SQIFF, we are pleased that Everyman continues to travel the globe and be seen by audiences worldwide this November.
Recent screenings give Everyman our 3rd OSCAR qualifying festival and 5th BAFTA qualifying festival - plus being on the shortlist for the Grierson awards. We are delighted that the film is connecting and continuing to travel to audiences.
These upcoming screenings include a stop at the prestigious DOC NYC, Interfilm & KUKI in Berlin and Aesthetica in York. With a double screening back on home turf at Inverness Film Festival.
Here is more information about how and when you can see the film as part of each festival.
Aesthetica Short Film Festival
This is an amazing and celebrated festival in York. Everyman will show as part of the Everymen: A celebration of Trans Masculinity strand. Programmed by Sav Rodgers - Founder and Executive of the Transgender Film Center (TFC).
The Transgender Film Center is a filmmaker-led organisation, which helps trans creators to bring their work to audiences around the world.
Everyman will be available to view on Thursday 4 November from 10:00 - 12:00.
We are pleased to announce that Everyman will be screening as part of Shorts Profiles - twice at DOC NYC. Celebrating its 12th edition and will take place in a hybrid format - online and in-person.
There will also be a Q&A after the screening.
Why we are so excited about DOC NYC
For the last nine years, DOC NYC has screened the documentary feature that went on to win the Academy Award and 24 of the last 25 Oscar-nominated documentary features.
DOC NYC is also an Academy-qualifying festival for short films. DOC NYC’s winning short will qualify for consideration in the Documentary Short Subject category of the Annual Academy Awards® without the standard theatrical run, provided the film otherwise complies with the Academy rules.
View the film online
You can watch Everyman online via DOC NYC on from 10 November until November 18.
View the film on the big screen
You can watch Everyman in New York City by heading down to the amazing Cinépolis Chelsea on November 13 at 9:45 PM.

Buy tickets
Interfilm and KUKI- Berlin
The 37th International Short Film Festival Berlin runs from 16 - 21 November.
You can catch Everyman as part of the KUKI film festival online in a Youth programme called Whats UP? and in cinemas as part of a strand for Interfilm called Queer Fever.
Everyman will screen online from 14th - 28th as part of Whats UP? a TeenScreen Programs for Youth.
Interfilm Berlin
You can watch Everyman on the big screen at the following venues as part of a strand called 'Queer Fever'.
View the trailer and read an interview Jack gave about Everyman.
Further information
Everyman was developed and supported by the Scottish Documentary Institute's highly acclaimed Bridging the Gap programme and supported by Screen Scotland.
Jack Goessens is currently a BFI x BAFTA flare mentee 2021
Since working together on Everyman - Reece Cargan and Bombito Productions have produced a live action & animated short with both Jack Goessens and Adam Kashmiry - Who I am Now - currently in post production
Jack and Reece have feature film 'Boifriend' in early funded development.